
Living with Artificial Intelligence

Prof. Stuart Russell

The Reith Lectures (BBC)


CAIDP launched the Global Academic Network (GAN) in 2021. The Global Academic Network builds on the expertise of the CAIDP Team members, the work  of the CAIDP Research Group, and the opportunity to collaborate with AI Policy research institutions around the world.


The GAN is established to:

  1. Promote well-informed AI Policy and cutting-edge research
  2. Provide high-quality resources to those working in the field of AI Policy
  3. Promote collaboration among those working in the field of AI Policy
  4. Identify emerging issues in the field of AI Policy
  5. Enable networking opportunities for those in the field of AI Policy
  6. Establish ethical standards for AI Policy


The Global Academic Network was launched in the context of the CAIDP mission and other related CAIDP programs. Benefits provided to the members of the Global Academic Network are described in a separate section. General information about the CAIDP includes:

The Survey

We are seeking advice from our academic partners about the activities that would be most helpful. The The CAIDP Global Academic Network Survey examines:


Your Institutional Interest

  • Interest in AI Policy 
  • Period of time in AI Policy
  • Activities pursued
  • Information you would contribute
  • Contact details

CAIDP Activities (your evaluation of value to your Institution)

  • Listing of upcoming AI policy events
  • AI Policy reference books
  • Model AI policies
  • Monthly updates about AI Policy
  • "Public voice" opportunities
  • Opportunities for participation in judicial proceedings
  • Model syllabus for AI Policy course
  • Briefings with AI Policy experts
  • Annual conference 

We also welcome your suggestions and comments. Please complete the SURVEY.


CAIDP Graduation Speakers

On December 2, 2024, Professor Arvind Narayanan spoke with the Fall 2024 CAIDP graduating class. Professor Narayanan is leading expert on AI policy and the author of Silicon Valley Snake Oil.

Dr. Alondra Nelson
Dr. Alondra Nelson

On April 8, 2024 CAIDP held its seventh graduation ceremony.  CAIDP awarded the AI Policy Certificate to 189 students (representing 69 countries) who "successfully completed a comprehensive program, including research, writing, and policy analysis in AI Policy” and  the AI Policy Certificate - Advanced to 29 participants (representing 19 countries) who "successfully completed an advanced program, including presentation, briefing, and team coordination, in AI Policy." CAIDP also awarded the AI Policy Certificate - Seminar to 7 members of the CAIDP Policy Group who will be recognized for contributions "to the development of AI policy, with expert research and analysis, the presentation of specific recommendations, and the ongoing pursuit of successful outcomes"


Dr. Alondra Nelson, the former director of the US Office of Science and Technology Policy and Presidential Science Advisor,  spoke with the CAIDP graduates about the development of the AI Bill of Rights and the need to ensure effective governance of Artificial Intelligence.

Earlier Activities

On April 23, 2022 CAIDP held the third graduation ceremony.  CAIDP awarded the AI Policy Certificate to 56 students who "successfully completed a comprehensive program, including research, writing, and policy analysis in AI Policy” and  the AI Policy Certificate - Advanced to 17 students who "successfully completed an advanced program, including presentation, briefing, and team coordination, in AI Policy." CAIDP also awarded the AI Policy Certificate - Seminar to 7 students who "participated in an extensive review and discussion

of AI policy articles, books, and reports."


Thomas Schneider, the newly elected chair of the Council of Europe Committee on Artificial Intelligence spoke with the CAIDP graduates regarding the role of the Council of Europe in the development of international treaties as well as the related work of the OECD, where he serves as Vice President for the Committee on Digital Economy Policy (CDEP).

On December 17, 2021, CAIDP awarded the AI Policy Certificate to 27 students who "successfully completed a comprehensive program, including research, writing, and policy analysis in AI Policy” and  the AI Policy Certificate - Advanced to 5 students who "successfully completed an advanced program, including presentation, briefing, and team coordination, in AI Policy."


Professor Ben Shneiderman, author the forthcoming Human-Centered AI (Oxford) discussed his new book and how AI policy experts can help promote human-centered AI,


On May 17, 2021, CAIDP awarded certificates to several individuals who "successfully completed a comprehensive program, including research, writing, and policy analysis, in ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE POLICY."


The CAIDP AI Policy Certification requires completion of a detailed multiple-choice test in Ai History, AI Issues and Institutions,  AI Regulation, and Research Methods. Candidates are also required to complete a Statement of Professional Ethics for AI Policy and a policy analysis assignment. 


The recipients of the CAIDP 2021 AI Policy Certificate will be known as the Giovanni Buttarelli Inaugural Class, in memory of the former European Data Protection Supervisor. In Il futuro della privacy e la vivacità della democrazia in Privacy 2030: Una nuova visione per l’Europa (in English), Giovanni warned that a digital underclass has emerged. "These groups are unable or not allowed to understand the logic of the decisions that affect them." He called for algorithms governed by "ethical due process" across the public and private sectors.


Christian D'Cunha, responsible for cybersecurity and digital policy with the European Commission and former aide to Giovanni Buttarelli, delivered concluding remarks.


The CAIDP AI Policy Certification program is now open to institutions affiliated with the Global Academic Network.

Giovanni Buttarelli, former European Data Protection Supervisor
Giovanni Buttarelli, former European Data Protection Supervisor


For further information about the CAIDP Global Academic Network, please contact Prof. Maria Murphy <>

In memory of David Flaherty


(Marc Rotenberg, Graham Greenleaf, Justice Michael Kirby, David Flaherty. Sydney 1993).


David Flaherty, "Controlling Surveillance: Can Privacy Protection Be Made Effective?" in Agre and Rotenberg, Technology and Privacy: The New Frontier (MIT Press 1998)


Public domain copy of David's article made available by the MIT Press.


Global Academic Network

  • Professor Maria Murphy, Co-Director, CAIDP Global Academic Network, National University of Ireland, Maynooth (Ireland)
  • Elena Abrusci, University of Brunel
  • Dr. Marco Almada, University of Luxembourg
  • Urvashi Aneja, Digital Futures Lab
  • Professor Alessandro Acquisti, Carnegie Mellon University
  • Professor Ricardo Baeza-Yates,Northeastern University
  • Professor Irena Barkane, University of Latvia
  • Professor Francesca Bignami, George Washington University
  • Professor Meredith Broussard, New York University
  • Professor Derrick L. Cogburn, American University
  • Professor Renee Cummings, University of Virginia
  • Professor Joseph David, Sapir College
  • Professor Virgnia Dignum, Umeå University 
  • Professor Laura K. Donohue, Georgetown Law
  • Hlengiwe Dube, Centre for Human Rights, Univesity of Pretoria
  • Dr. Zeynep Engin, Chair and Director Data and Policy, University of Cambridge
  • Professor Giovanni De Gregorio, Católica Global School of Law
  • Professor Maura Grossman, University of Waterloo
  • David Evan Harris, Berkeley
  • Professor Hiroki Habuka, Kyoto University Graduate School of Law
  • Gry Hasselbalch, Data Ethics EU and InTouchAI EU
  • Professor Masao Horibe, Hitotsubashi University and Chuo University
  • Professor Margaret Hu, Wiliam and Mary Law School
  • Professor Meltem Ineli-Ciger, Suleyman Demirel University
  • Malavika Jayaram, Berkman-Klein Center
  • Bulelani Jili, Harvard University
  • Professor Leyla Keser,  Istanbul Bilgi University
  • Lorraine Kisselburgh, Purdue University
  • Professor Eleni Kosta, Tilburg University
  • Professor Katja Langenbucher, Goethe-University
  • Professor Seth Lazar, Australian National University
  • Professor Gianclaudio Malgieri, EDHEC Business School
  • Professor Alessandro Mantelero, Polytechnic University of Turin
  • Professor Wonki Min, former President SUNY Korea
  • Dean Valsamis Mitsilegas, Liverpool School of Law and Social Justice
  • Francis Nyarai Ndende, Corporate and Institutional Integrity Africa
  • Professor Helen Nissenbaum, Cornell Tech
  • Dr. Chinasa T. Okolo, Brookings
  • Professor Bilyana Petkova, University of Graz
  • Prof. Pascal Pichonnaz, University of Fribourg
  • Professor Viviana Polisena, Universidad Católica de Córdoba
  • Professor Oreste Pollicino, Bocconi University
  • Professor Nagla Rizk, The American University in Cairo
  • Lecturer Carolina A. Rossini, Boston University
  • Professor Stuart Russell, University of California at Berkeley
  • Professor Emma Ruttkamp-Bloem, University of Pretoria
  • Professor Idoia Salazar, San Pablo CEU University
  • Professor Edward Santow, University of Technology Sydney
  • Professor Giovanni Sartor, University of Bologna /  European University Institute
  • Professor Ingrid Schneider, Universität Hamburg 
  • Professor John Shattuck, Tufts University
  • Professor Nathalie Smuha, KU Leuven 
  • Professor Lee Tiedrich, Duke University
  • Professor Kutoma J. Wakunuma 
  • Professor Hans Werther, TU Wien 
  • Professor Kyoko Yoshinaga, Keio University
  • Dean Michael Zimba, Malawi Institute of Technology
  • Marc Rotenberg, Founder CAIDP 

(Please contact Maria Murphy or Marc Rotenberg if you would like to become a GAN member)


The CAIDP AI Policy Certificate


The Center has launched a comprehensive certification program for AI Policy. The certification program is an outgrowth of the work of the Research Group, and includes requirements for research, writing, and policy analysis. Receipt of the CAIDP AI Policy Certification requires completion of a detailed multi-part test. The subjects are: AI History, AI Issues and Institutions,  AI Regulation, and Research Methods. Candidates are also required to sign a Statement of Professional Ethics for AI Policy.

CAIDP Certificates are available for:

  • Artificial Intelligence Policy
  • Artificial Intelligence Policy - Advanced
  • Artificial Intelligence Policy Seminar

Statement of Professional Ethics for AI Policy


CAIDP has also launched the first code of professional ethics for the field of AI policy. The goal is to ensure that those who provide advice regarding AI policy commit themselves to a high level of professional conduct. The CAIDP Statement of Professional Ethics recognizes that AI systems impact the rights and opportunities of others, may pose a risk to public safety, and that bias is an ongoing challenge. Among other obligations, the Statement requires individuals to ensure that AI systems are fair, accountable, and transparent.


Endorsement of the Statement of Professional Ethics is a necessary requirement to receive the CAIDP AI Policy Certificate.

CAIDP Research Group


The Research Group provides the basis for the Center's policy work. The Research Group members identify Significant AI Policy News, assess country AI policies and practices, draft statements on AI policy to national governments and international organizations, examine emerging trends in AI Policy. Research Group Team Leaders coordinate research group activities, prepare 5 Key Points presentations, and develop advanced AI policy skills.


CAIDP will continue the Research Group in the Fall 2022. Global Academic Network partners are invited to recommend students, at the graduate and post-graduate level for participation.


[Application form for the Spring 2023 cohort.]


CAIDP Externships


CAIDP provides the opportunity for full-time students in law, computer science, or public policy to work with the Center during the Semester for academic credit. Typical externships include intensive work in AI policy research and analysis, as well as the opportunity to connect with experts and leaders in the AI policy field. CAIDP externs have participated in meetings with Members of the European Parliament, and drafted AI policy recommendations for the Council on Future Relations, the European Law Institute, the Global Partnership on AI, the Global Privacy Assembly, the US Office of Science and Technology Policy, and others.


CAIDP has partnered with Campbell Law School, Duke Law School, Georgetown Law, Harvard Law SchoolStanford Law School, and TU Wien for externship opportunities. We welcome other partnerships. Interested applicants should send a letter of interest, a CV, and a relevant writing sample to Marc Rotenberg. Institutions may also contact Marc for further information about the program. Listings in Externship Directories are appreciated. Externships may be conducted remotely or at the CAIDP offices in Washington, DC.


[CAIDP Extern Program Participants]


CAIDP Projects


CAIDP is pursuing a wide range of projects on Artificial Intelligence policy with key partners

  • ABA Rule of Law Initiative
  • ACM AI Policy Committee
  • Council of Europe Committe on AI (Observer)
  • Council on Foreign Relations (AI education modules for World 101)
  • European Law Institute (Model Rules on Impact Assessment of Algorithmic Decisionmaking Systems Used by Public Administration)
  • European Parliament (EU AI Act)
  • Global Partnership on AI (Data Governance)
  • G7 2022 (German Presidency), G20 2022 (Indonesian Presidency)
  • International Working Group on Data Protection (Facial Surveillance, Smart Cities)
  • OECD AI Group of Experts
  • UNESCO Recommendation on AI Ethics (NGO liaison committee, implementation)

The AI Policy Clinic (forthcoming)


In 2014, Marc Rotenberg and his colleagues published a landmark article on The Open Government Clinic, based on their experience teaching law school students the theory and practice of litigation under the federal Freedom of Information Act.


Marc and colleagues at the Center are now preparing an article about the experience of developing the first AI policy clinic. The article provides an overview of the AI policy field, a description of key resources, recommended activities, and techniques for evaluation. The AI Policy Clinic article will also include a model syllabus and detailed recommendations for those developing curricula for AI policy.

Resources for GAN Partners

CAIDP Updates


The Center for AI and Digital Policy provides weekly updates about developments in AI policy. A summary news item is accompanied by prominent links to primary sources to enable further research and analysis. All CAIDP Updates are archived on the CAIDP website under the News tab.

CAIDP Conversations


The Center for AI and Digital Policy hosts monthly Conversations with leading thinkers, artists, and policy makers in the AI realm. Recent CAIDP Conversations featured Shalini Kantayya (the director of Coded Bias), Cade Metz (the author of Genius Makers), and  Gregor Strojin (the chair of the CAHAI, the Council of Europe Expert Group on AI).

AI Policy Events


The Center for AI and Digital Policy is pleased to promote AI policy events involving our Team members and Global Academic Network partners.

The Public Voice


The Center for AI and Digital Policy routinely identifies opportunities for public comment on AI policy posted by government agencies around the world. We strongly encourage AI policy programs to participate in these opportunities and we will assist in the drafting of effective comments. 

CAIDP Publications


The Center for AI and Digital Policy makes freely available to members of the Global Academic Network CAIDP publications, including The AI Policy Sourcebook and Artificial Intelligence and Democratic Values. The Center also promotes the publications of menbers of the Global Academic Network.

Universal Guidelines for AI


Members of the Global Academic Network helped draft and promote the Universal Guidelines for Artificial Intelligence, the first human rights framework for AI. More the 300 experts and 60 organizations across 40 countries have endorsed the UGAI.


The UGAI remains open for signature by experts and scientific and educational organizations in the AI field.


The CAIDP Global Academic Network is exploring other opportunities for Global Academic Network partners. For the 2022 academic year, these could include:

  • An Annual Conference
  • Awards for best research paper among the GAN members
  • Research, teaching and conference opportunities
  • Exchange of information and networking in the field of AI
  • Opportunities  to participate in judicial proceedings in cases concerning AI policy as a "friend of the court" (amicus / intervenor)
  • Building coalitions around specific policy objectives 
  • Creating opportunities for students to research AI policy issues