
AI Policy A-Z

AI Now, Confronting Tech Power (April 2023)

Council of Europe, AI Treaty (CAIDP)

Encode Justice, Youth Open Letter on AI Risks (April 30, 2023)

  • We must elevate young voices
  • We must support and fund research and development that advances safe, human-aligned, trustworthy AI systems.
  • We must build governance structures to audit AI products and manage risk
  • We must improve technical literacy in government
  • We must operationalize existing multilateral frameworks
  • We must design measures to redress harm caused by AI
  • We must prevent malicious actors from setting the terms of AI innovation


Future of Life Institute, Policymaking in the Pause (April 2023)

Merve Hickok


"We do not have the guardrails in place, the laws that we need, the public education, or the expertise in government to manage the consequences of the rapid changes that are now taking place. Internationally, we are losing AI-policy leadership. Domestically, Americans say they’re more concerned than excited about AI.”


- Hickok Testimony before the House Oversight Committee, March 8, 2023

[CAIDP Event page = "Advances in AI: Are We Ready for the Tech Revolution?" ]

Gary Marcus

  • Rebooting AI: Building Artificial Intelligence We Can Trust (2019)

Senate Judiciary Committee, Oversight of A.I.: Rules for Artificial Intelligence, May 16, 2023, 10:00 am

[Hearing will be broadcast]