AI Policy Events




AI Policy Events

Tuesday, May 23, 2023


100th Anniversary Program: Artificial Intelligence and Society

Travis LeBlanc, Cooley

Ruth Okediji, Harvard Law School

Marc Rotenberg, Center for AI and Digital Policy

Brad Smith, Microsoft

Fourth Edition of the Athens AI Roundtable 

1-2 December 2022

Brussels / Online

Webinar on the ELI Guiding Principles for Automated Decision-Making in the EU and the Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights: A Transatlantic Dialogue

30 November 2022

[ELI Guiding Principles]

[OSTP AI Bill of Rights]

[CAIDP - The Law of AI, Fundamental Rights, and the Role

of the ELI Guiding Principles]

The Race to the Top:
Raising Standards in Regulation and Innovation

10 October 2022


"Consumer protection in the age of AI"

Marc Rotenberg, CAIDP President

27 September 2022

Merve Hickok, CAIDP Chair

(Expert Observer)


“Challenges in Artificial Intelligence Regulation: International Contributions to the Brazilian Lawmaking Process”


Marc Rotenberg,

Brazilian Federal Senate 

Jurists Commission

9 June 2022

Algorithms. Data. Surveillance - is there a way out?

Panelists Marc Rotenberg, Maximilian Schrems, and Christiane Wendehorst discuss democracy, digitalization, and ways to take action. Moderation by Josef Broukal

5 May 2022

TU Wien Informatics

General Data Protection Regulation implementation, enforcement and lessons learned

European Parliament

17 March 2022

[2021 Resolution]


[Understanding EU Data Protection, EPRS]

Digital Challenges to Human Rights and Rule of Law

Jan Kleijssen, Council of Europe

Istanbul Bilgi University

7 March 2022, 15:00 CET


Just Tech Platform Launch with Ruha Benjamin, Timnit Gebru, Alondra Nelson, and Safiya U. Noble. 

Social Science Research Council

1 March 2022

Algorithmic State, Market, and Society

International Association of Constitutional Law

Marc Rotenberg, CAIDP

9-11 February 2022

T20 Indonesia Inception Conference

Realizing Inclusive Recovery from the COV-19 Pandemic

9-10 February 2022


Equality in Cyberspace and AI Fairness

Larissa Zutter

SciencesPo and New York Times

17 January 2022


AI and Bias

AIDA Committee, European Parliament

30 November 2021



“Artificial Intelligence and Democratic Values:

What is the Path Forward?” 

Lecture by Marc Rotenberg

November 9, 2021


[Digital Humanism]

"Artificial Intelligence and Democratic Values: The Role of Data Protection"

Global Privacy Assembly 2021

Mexico City

[Keynote Speech by Marc Rotenberg]

Women and Diversity in AI

XAI Summit

27 October 2021

with CAIDP Research Director Merve Hickok


#Tech4Rights: Rethinking a human rights-based approach to new technologies in Africa

University of Pretoria

26-29 October 2021

with CAIDP Global Program Director

Karine Caunes



AIDA Public Hearing on AI and the Digital Strategy

European Parliament

30 September 2021

2nd AI Policy Conference



14-15 September 2021

with CAIDP Global Program Director Karine Caunes

From Ambition to Action

A High Level Conference on AI

14-15 September 2021

European Commission/ Slovenian Presidency


G20 Digital Economy Task Force

Trieste, Italy

August 4-5, 2021


Artificial intelligence in criminal law and its use by the police and judicial authorities in criminal matters

(vote on amendments),

European Parliament, LIBE Committee

28 June 2021

National AI Strategies in Europe:

Where are we now and what's next?

European Commission and OECD

22 June 2021




June 7-11, 2021


AI Bias & Surveillance: Recognition, Analysis & Prediction

June 1-6, 2021


Girl Trouble:

Breaking Through The Bias in AI


March 8, 2021



"There's an urgent need for more women to participate in and lead the design, development, and deployment of AI systems. Evidence shows that by 2022, 85% of AI projects will deliver erroneous outcomes due to bias."

US Congress - Joint Hearing -House Armed Services Committee and House Oversight Committee, “Final Recommendations of the National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence," March 12, 2021

TILTING Perspective 2021:
Regulating in Times of Crisis

KU Leuven

May 19-21, 2021

CAIDP Featured AI Policy Events

CAIDP Event, AI and Democratic Values, Washington DC, April 6
CAIDP Event, AI and Democratic Values, Washington DC, April 6
Marc Rotenberg and Max Schrems, CAIDP, Washington DC, April 4, 2023
Marc Rotenberg and Max Schrems, CAIDP, Washington DC, April 4, 2023

CAIDP Conversations

Anu Bradford with Marc Rotenberg

December 8, 2022

CAIDP Conversation

November 10, 2022

AI, China, and Global Power

CAIDP Conversation with David E. Sanger

Moderated by Len Kennedy

24 February 2022

The Athens Roundtable

AI and the Rule of Law

Marc Rotenberg

Merve Hickok

6-7 December 2021

Professor Ben Shneiderman

CAIDP Graduation Ceremony

17 December 2021

CAIDP Hosts Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Democratic Values, 10 November 2021

CAIDP meets with Members of the European Parliament AIDA Committee, Washington, DC, 4 November 2021

CAIDP Conversation with Former White House Advisor and AI Policy Expert John Podesta, 4 November 2021

Marc Rotenberg in Conversation with International Chess Master Ken Regan: Chess, AI, and Transparency

June 30, 2021

Gregor Strojein, Chair of the CAHAI, in Conversation with Merve Hickok

June 2, 2021

Cade Metz, author of Genius Makers, in conversation with Dr. Lorraine Kisselburgh

May 4, 2021

Shalini Kantayya, director of Coded Bias, in Conversation with Merve Hickok

April 7, 2021

Artificial Intelligence and Democratic Values,

Michael Dukakis Institute

Dec. 12, 2020

Past AI Policy Events

A European approach to the

regulation of artificial intelligence

23 Apr 2021



Shifting to Great Power Competition: Emerging and Continuing Threats with China

March 23-24, 2021


Journal of National Security Law and Policy,

Georgetown Center for Asian Law ,

Georgetown Center on National Security and the Law.

AI Policy Developments

AI Ethicist

Computers, Privacy, and Data Protection

January 29, 2021

Data Protection Day in Africa

40th Anniversary of data protection Convention 108

Council of Europe

January 28, 2021

CIVIL 20 Kick-off Meeting

G20 Italy

January 25-27, 2021


The Future of AI, Ethics, and Defense,

Counsel on Foreign Relations,

October 22, 2020


Committee on Digital Economic Policy,

November 16-19, 2020

Privacy Protection and the Future of Digital Platforms,

Columbia Business School,

November 17, 2020

The Future of Digital Justice,

Queen Mary University,

October 14, 2010

Data Localization and Trusted Government Access to Data,

OECD and PIPC Japan,

October 5-6,  2020 


Hong Kong Update: Autonomy and National Security,

Council on Foreign Relations

August 13, 2020


CFR Resources

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